“We’ve seen violence directed against LGBTQI people around the world increase,” Blinken said. Raising the pride flag is one way to outright show LGBTQ solidarity.” “And so, I think the United States playing the role that it should be playing in standing up for and defending the rights of LGBTQI people is something that the department is going to take on and take on immediately. President to openly embrace a full range of queer rights, including transgender equality,” Outfront magazine reported.įollow Penny Starr on Twitter or send news tips to Social Justice Antony Blinken Donald Trump gay pride flag Joe Biden LGBT Special Envoy U.S. Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. 'My Life Has Value': PA Senate Candidate Talks Being Conceived in Rape.Behar: Floats Sex Strike This Is 'War' on Women, Gays, People of Color.Geraldo Rivera Calls Gutfeld Insulting Punk During Abortion Debate.Biden: 'MAGA Crowd' the 'Most Extreme Political Organization in Histor.Rosanna Arquette: 'Millions of Women' Will Leave USA over Abortion.Productivity Falls 7.5%, Biggest Decline Since 1947.
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